Saturday, September 22, 2007

New Orleans Part 1

Miles travelled: 2023

Current Location: New Orleans

Here are some pictures from my "tour" to the 9th Ward. Special thanks to Kristen (I hope I spelled that right!) for giving me a very thorough and provacative tour.

This is a house that was washed away from its original location. Probably was taken a couple of hundred yards away.

The date is when the rescuers came for the first time to check the house.

This is the area where the levees broke. It's mostly many acres of overgrown grass like this. Houses used to be here.

Gutting the houses. You see this everywhere.

This is all that is left of most houses: the foundation and the steps and maybe a gate.

The new levees. You can get a good look of the Lower 9th Ward. That huge area of grass used to be a neighborhood. I guess they're not rebuilding it.


Anonymous said...

No, you didn't spell Kristyn on it!

Anonymous said...

I'm back to commenting on your blog, AJ. Ha ha!

Very interesting pictures. It's amazing that while there has been some rebuilding, so much of that area is still destroyed.

Loving the new blog. Glad this job is going well! (and I love the Cats picture in an earlier post)