Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Quiz, the Flow of Traffic and Bamboo

Travel check: number of beds/couches I have slept in since I began my travels on Sept. 15th (including my bed in my apartment in Baltimore and my home in Greenwich)

... 14... in 46 days. That's .304 beds a day!!

That's fourteen different bed sizes, mattress maleabilities (the plural is not a word, but you get the idea), sheet fabrics, pillow fluffocities (I'm pretty sure that is a word), room temperatures, atmosphere ambiances and 14 different snuggle buddies ... just kidding.

But enough about me ... it's time for some assessment.

Let's see how you do on this quiz. On the surface it seems like a quiz about me and my travels. I am not that self-centered as you think. My blog is not just about me.

This quiz is about you and your place in the world. Feel free to interpret the answers and choices in anyway that you can.

1. What is worse than getting your rental car towed from your own apartment complex?

a) Having Martin Sheen fall on it a la The Departed.

b) Allowing your "friends" to fill your entire vehicle with "female products."

c) Finding your entire car filled up with delicious, homemade Mrs. Cabrera pesto sauce, realizing you cannot eat it because you locked your keys inside!

d) Getting it towed twice.

If you picked choice "a", then you are a sicko, and we will never say anything bad about President Bartlet ever again.

If you picked choice "b", then you may or may not be a good friend of mine who already had this happen to them (he goes to a certain school in Utah ... let's just say it rhymes with Smigum Fun University).

If you picked choice "c" then, like me, you are always thinking of homemade food.

Now if you picked choice "d", then you know that yesterday was indeed the SECOND time my rental car from Philadelphia has been towed. Yup. At least yesterday morning I did not have to pay the $220 since it was my apartment complex's fault it got towed yet again. For the 4 days I've been back in Baltimore in the past 6 weeks, half of those mornings I walk out of my front door, look at where my car WAS parked, look to the left, look to the right, then once more again back to my spot, then throw my fist in the air and curse the gods.

2. Traveling around the entire east coast is exciting, but it has some very negative and unexpected consequences, such as:

a) a preference to listening to the "scan" button cruise every radio station - for a good 10 seconds a station - for hours on end.

b) convincing yourself that you can "read" the "flow" of traffic patterns and sometimes want to quit your job to restructure the rules of the road to elminate traffic forever.

c) becoming so drained from the constant driving that during the numerous times one is able to have social time with others, you would rather sleep and sleep and not be in a car forever.

d) memorizing the exact layout of gas stations.

e) all of the above.

If you answered either "a", "b", "c" or "d", then that's pretty sad, although answering "d" is very practical.

If you answered "e", well, then, you're me.

3. If YOU were on a 3 mile tropical island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and not able to come home the entire time for two years, then you appreciate the little things in life. To be more exact, you get satisfaction from the SMALLEST, everyday things. You would be a little TOO excited for...

a) wall to wall carpeting.

b) Youtube video watching until 3 in the morning.

c) the option of a filet minon for dinner or a single block of fresh romano cheese, because neither of those things exist on small islands.

d) the prospect of having a girl speak to (but you're too afraid to talk back anyway, because you forgot how to)

e) Monday Night Football

If none of these apply to you, at least you should have said "e", cause that's pretty exciting regardless. (Who doesn't love Brett Favre? What a good ol' American.)

(Who wears t-shirts to press conferences?! A patriot ... of freedom, that's who!)

4. Visitng one's alma mater is great, but strange. Especially if you haven't been back on your campus for two whole years. The CRAZIEST thing you notice is:

a) there is a new "Cold Stone" esque shoppe (not shop) that previously did not exist.

b) there is a new sandwich and salad bar, but like all good things in HC dining, there needs to be a downside, such as waiting 45 minutes for the salad to be made.

c) you cannot snap your fingers and make any two freshmen males fight to the death, even though that was a power you once enjoyed while you were a senior back on campus

d) you feel completely at home, yet at the same time not at all

e) students would rather watch the World Series than go to mass, class or play the bass (ha, I bet you read it as "bass" rhyming with "sass", not "base" ... take that!).

If you answered "a" or "b", then you have not been on your Holy Cross campus in two years. These new additions are scary.

If you answered "d", then perhaps you would rather I give more serious insights throughout my blog instead of silly, silly comments ... like answer "c" ... which was once true.

If you answered "e", then, like me, you like making fun of Red Sox fans.

(I took that picture myself. Holy Cross now has helicopter transportation from dorm to dorm.)

I think that will do it for now. Mail in your answers and whoever has the highest points will receive a prize.

Remember, you're not having fun at your job until you sleep in .304 beds a day!

New Feature - Being Nice to AJ Lets You Put Your Website on my Blog!

That's right. Here is a cool website from good friend Kristen in NY.


It mostly sells name brand sportswear for cheap and has some cool functional clothing (super nanotechnology winter clothing and shirts made entirely from bamboo... which is surprisingly soft!) Plus, if you go on before Dec, you can enter to win a Duofold Duo Dri jacket (lightweight, water resistant, good for jogging.)

Plus, every time you click on that website, $1 will be donated to the Pay AJ's Towing Fee Foundation. It's a great cause. It will change your life.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Another awesome installment. I think I passed the quiz, but it told me my eating habits need improvement. I clicked on the link. Do you really get a dollar? How does that work? And I want a bamboo shirt.