Monday, November 26, 2007

Overdue Pictures

Hey everyone,

I'm at Dartmouth now. I'm sure it's freezing outside, here at Hanover, New Hampshire, but I am not going to find out. My car will probably be covered in ice tomorrow. You know what that means!

It means I am living inside my nice little guest room until it gets warm. Like 80 degrees warm.

Anyway, Thanksgiving was awesome, I got a lot of rest, gained like 80 pounds from all the good food and sitting around inside because I was too afraid of the cold outside.

Sidenote: "No Country for Old Men" was AWFUL. Discuss.

So here are some pics that I haven't put up in a while. Enjoy.

That's me, impressed with UVA's architecture.

Look at that. Isn't it amazing? I think the other 4 people in the world who know anything about classical architecture agree with me.

Want to know why I couldn't get into the Monticello? See the bottom two words. $14 to see a house? Ridiculous.

Yeah, pretty lame blog. The next one will be filled with pearls of wisdom. I owe it to you.

Oh, and here is one of me that I found. This was taken exactly 2 years ago, when I felt like not shaving for a month. Pretty sweet, huh?

Friday, November 9, 2007

If it is below 70 degrees, it is FREEZING

(Note: I left my camera in Raleigh, so when I get it back, I'll post new pics)

Travel check:

Several posts ago, I indicated that my last visit was Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. My friends: time has passed, roads were traveled, and growth occured (not growth like there is an unwanted growth coming out of my side, but intelectual, emotional, follical and spiritual growth).

Since October 18th, I have been to the following places, in this order:

Boston, Worcester, Providence, back to Woo-Town, Baltimore, Greenwich, Fairfield, Scranton, Buffalo, Charlottseville, Virginia, Raleigh, Elon, Chapel Hill and Davidson (where I am right now).

Those schools are: Boston College, Holy Cross, Providence College, Scranton University, Canisius University, UVA, Elon, Duke, UNC and Davidson College.

But now, the moment you've been waiting for: my thoughts on who should be the next president of the United States. Honestly, don't expect anything big from me. Some of you are probably eager to see if I'm a Obama guy or Hilary, guy. My answer, to some, will be a cop-out, but I have to let you know because this epiphany was sparked specifically by a place I traveled to, and this is a blog about my travels, not about politics.

Speaking of, can someone find me a GOOD website where I can see all of the candidates and their voting record and stance on issues. The New York Times attempted to put up a site on just that, but it wasn't that good, in my opinion. There are more issues out there than Iraq, Immigrants, Abortion and Health Care.

I digress. Here is the moment of truth. The next president should be....

...a historian, specifically an expert in all things relating to Thomas Jefferson and the rest of the founding fathers.

LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME ... is what you're probably saying (if you are saying that, then you're lame). But let me tell you what sparked this, and if you looked carefully at the places I visited recently, you could probably find out.

That's right, scholars, my visit to UVA made me remember how AWESOME Tom was...and still is! If you didn't know, TJ designed most of the architecture of the University of Virginia. I remember spending several lectures in my Classical America class with Professor Z. on the architecture of UVA.

Also, I just purchased two audio books for myself. One is I Am America, and So Can You, by Steven Colbert. The other is about the founding fathers, The American Creation by Pulitzer Prize winner Joseph Ellis. Yeah, I'm pretty cool.

Think about it: what COULDN'T Thomas Jefferson do? He invented, designed, built, wrote, governed, led, inspired, probably even mastered yoga before it was invented. People argue that after our founding fathers, the succession of presidents was an example of Darwin's theory of evolution in reverse! So let's just refer to back to the genius who started it all. I'm sure his spirit can still make great decisions today.

Think about it some more: Picture this: In the Oval Office, someone asks "We have a crisis, what should we do?" Then we have the intelectual and witty arguments akin to West Wing episodes between the many advisors, when suddenly, this historian/President chimes in by saying "Well, if Thomas Jefferson were alive today, he would probably do this..." And then proceed to say what TJ would do. How can you argue with that?! No matter how crazy or irrelevant the advice is, we are all awed to even try and glimpse into the minds of these demigods.

Another perk: Our president's greatest achievement as of late was saying 5 words in French. Mr. Jefferson knew the entire language. Probably invented some other languages as well. And if our president is a historian, he (or she) would bedazzle foreign leaders with his/her vast knowledge of other country's histories and cultures that only dorky history nerds like to learn. Leaders of other countries would get a huge kick out of that and instantly love America again.

Ok, let's move on.

I'm waiting to get some pictures from Niagara Falls, where I went when I was in Buffalo, NY. Yes, it was amazing, and breathtaking, and freezing.

Actually, let's talk about that...the freezing part. You'd think I'd spend time in this travel blog about the majesty of one of the wonders of the world. No. This is about me.

So let's talk about how cold it was. I left BWI early in the morning Tuesday October 6th, 2007 in the . A good 50 degrees. On the plane, the pilot was doing his thing: "...cruising altitude of 35 thousand blah blah ... arriving in blah blah ... left engine on fire blah blah ..." but then he said something that surprised everyone in the plane: "It seems to be snowing in Bufflo."

I was stunned. I was not emotionally prepared for this encounter. It's been almost 3 years since I've seen snow. You have no idea how I longed for snow several times during my 2 year-long tropical experience.

Alex, the NW recruiter picked me up at the airport, and the first thing she asked was what was wrong with me. It was clear from my face that too many emotions were hitting me at once, let alone the snow flakes themselves. I was giddy and scared at the same time.

After the nostalgic feelings subsided, I realized was too damn cold! 42. 40. 39. 37. 35 degrees, my peoples. Way too cold. Goodness!!

But luckily here in North Carolina, it's been a nice 50 - 74 degrees!

BUT I either have a killer cold or ridiculously stupid, stupid, stupid allergies, because I have been drugged up with cold medicine since Friday (6 days and counting) and have not been able to breath through my nose since.

Now THAT'S lame.

What else to report? I saw my cousin, Nate, at Duke, which was pretty awesome. Haven't seen him in 3 years.

Duke was beautiful, by the way. So was UNC. Also, I definitely pulled a typical performer move while at UNC. I found out that there is a HUGE rivalry between Duke and the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. So as I began my shpeel about JVC at UNC, I definitely made fun of Duke in the beginning, saying how I recieved a warmed reception there.

It got some laughs, but part of me felt guilty, knowing that little quip was on the same level, if not slightly above, that move that performers say at the beginning of a show where they shout "Hello..." and then the city their in. Or whenever someone goes to Holy Cross, they always make fun of Boston College before.

However, another part of me has ALWAYS wanted to do something like that. I had an opening. I took it. I got laughes. I ruled.

A shout out to the lovely girls I'm staying with at the Raleigh JV house. They've been nice enough to endure my stuffy, non-sexy voice for the past couple of days, but they've all been oh so great.

The best part about crashing with them: I discovered a secret talent. I am the MASTER at Pictionary. I played 6 times. Each time with a different partner. Won every time, hands down. None of the games were close. The last game we were totally behind, but had the most unforgetable come-from-behind-win that makes the 2004 Boston Red Sox playoff victory look like that ... game I forgot about! See, so forgetable, unlike my Pictionary skills. Or skillz, if you want it like that.

Guess what? On my time off in Virginia, I went to see the Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home and also an architectural masterpiece.

When I got there, unfortunately, there was something that was blocking my enterance: a $14 ticket.
I like history too, and classical architecture, but $14 to see a house. No thank you.
I'd rather pay $20 to hear Stephen Colbert tell me how to live my life as an American. Thank you very much.
You're welcome.