Monday, November 26, 2007

Overdue Pictures

Hey everyone,

I'm at Dartmouth now. I'm sure it's freezing outside, here at Hanover, New Hampshire, but I am not going to find out. My car will probably be covered in ice tomorrow. You know what that means!

It means I am living inside my nice little guest room until it gets warm. Like 80 degrees warm.

Anyway, Thanksgiving was awesome, I got a lot of rest, gained like 80 pounds from all the good food and sitting around inside because I was too afraid of the cold outside.

Sidenote: "No Country for Old Men" was AWFUL. Discuss.

So here are some pics that I haven't put up in a while. Enjoy.

That's me, impressed with UVA's architecture.

Look at that. Isn't it amazing? I think the other 4 people in the world who know anything about classical architecture agree with me.

Want to know why I couldn't get into the Monticello? See the bottom two words. $14 to see a house? Ridiculous.

Yeah, pretty lame blog. The next one will be filled with pearls of wisdom. I owe it to you.

Oh, and here is one of me that I found. This was taken exactly 2 years ago, when I felt like not shaving for a month. Pretty sweet, huh?


Dan said...

I don't see where it says $14. Although it looks like you have to buy a ticket just to take the trail. Also, I think there are a lot of people who know about classical architecture. Apparently, the movie was a pretty failthful adaptation to the book, like you never know what happened in the motel and what happened to the case. Is that a mug shot of you in Micronesia? You have to make your own arrest number? Nice blog.

Anonymous said...

How could you not like No Country for Old Men?????

Also, my stepdad went to Dartmouth, so that's awesome that you went there.