Thursday, January 10, 2008

Clinton vs. Obama vs. Facebook Wall vs. Mimosas

Why hello there! Welcome to my blog. You must be very bored, or really interested in my travels!

Well, about my travels: I can tell you that I'm currently in the George Bush Houston International Airport (in Houston....the Houston in Texas). I am stealing the wireless from the President's Club. Good times. I will be in New Orleans in a few hours. So as of now, I don't have anything interesting to say about Travels with AJ. (Or do I???? Read all the way through!)

Instead, I will throw out some thoughts about politics and Facebook:

Here is a little game you should play. It's a fun way to learn about today's candidates.

However, since I distrust the news media, and since USA Today is not exactly high caliber (sorry, but if I should be snobby about something, it might as well be about how I receive current events), I'm not entirely sure how accurate it is.

Here is a GREAT website to help you figure out who to vote for!

Here is something to try if you're bored in the office. Go back and reread ALL of your Wall Posts on your Facebook Profile. I did that the other day. My first one goes back to November 3rd, 2004!!

Here are some of my favorite wall posts (I'll respect the anonymity of the posters...except for my brother):

6:16am on October 18th, 2006

"AJ I am also in a primitive community in a different country, Ireland. Today I woke up and went to the ritual feasting center, McDonalds, and then watched an ancient "mimetic drama box" or some of the kids call them Televisions. I took a ride in some sort of chariot drawn by invisible druid spirits which are called "Volkswagen" over here. People here worship an intoxicating black fluid called guinness and often go into trances where they are possessed by the demons of said liquid. It is a strange land, but I'm slowly acclimating myself to their culture. Slowly."

at 6:38pm on February 9th, 2006

Happy Birthday manjkl. Have a great time. Oh, by the way, I reminded Gandalf that today was your birthday, and he said he'd personally stop by Chuuk to wish you all the best. Same with Luke Skywalker, actually... and Dumbledore, come to think of it. Ditto Indiana Jones, Neo, Marty McFly, Homer Simpson, and Walter Mitty. So that should be fun. Lastly, Zeus said he'd sacrifice 10,000 bulls to honor the occasion... you know how sons get about celebrating their father's birthdays.. Allllright we miss you!

at 9:52pm on March 14th, 2007

"This note is more to the whole of the internet community than it is specifically to A.J. But I find it apalling that no one has posted on this wall since A.J.'s birthday. I think there should be wall messages daily. Even if it reminding him of what day it is back in America (Wednesday). Anyway, please post on this wall, or else I will get beaten when he returns."

(my brother wrote that one)

at 3:46pm on June 26th, 2007

"there is photographic evidence of your presence in Washington, DC recently. There is no evidence (electronic or otherwise) alerting me to your presence. I may revoke my status as the deity of your religion over this."

at 8:00pm on August 12th, 2007



So I was sitting in a little chair in the terminal, sitting across from the President's Club, mooching the internet, when this guy stopped in front of me, looking at one of the big poster boards I carry around for recruiting. He apparently works with the Jesuit Conference in D.C. We got a talkin', exchanged pleasantries, then he went on his way. A few minutes later he came back and asked if I would like to sit in the President's Club instead of out in terminal.

Heck Yeah!

So now I am munching on a nice toasted bagel with fresh orange juice in a nice comfy chair and I have my laptop on my own personal desk, not my lap. Pretty sweet!

Let me find some Mimosas and then I'll be on my way!

1 comment:

Dan said...

Wait, what's this about mimosas? And can you fix the grammar on my wall post?