Monday, February 4, 2008


Hi everyone. Sorry I have not posted in a while. Here is a quick recap of the past month:

Hung out with the JVs in New Orleans. Slept in a cabin in 50 degree weather; almost died.

Spent time with New Orleans and Mobile JVs, the same ones I met back in September. They were my first friends I met on the road.

Saw a Mardi Gras parade...a week before Mardi Gras. Many beads were thrown to me.

Went to the Univeristy of Florida in Gainesville. 70 degrees during the day, 39 at night!

Welcome to Miami....and the wonderful 82 degrees! Also got to see my cousins.

I was in Baltimore for a total of like 12 hours in the entire month of February, and that's the way it's going to be for the rest of the month. Good thing I'm paying rent for an aprtment I am never in.

I am now in Providence College. Then Boston College. Then Holy Cross. It's nice coming back to these big schools. It's very familiar territory.

That's it for travels. I think I'm backing Obama in this election. It took me a while to decide. I hope it's McCain v. Obama. Here is a nice video for you all to see:

Oh, bad news: I got my car from Phily, which I will keep with me for the next two months. Well, guess what, it's not the same car. Biggest difference: no scan button!!! I'm ruined!

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Dan said...
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