Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Year!

It shouldn't be February right now. But it doesn't really matter. It's been a while, but my video post was a hit. And by hit, I mean people really cannot beleive I would take the time to 1) film the suite that I stayed in while I was at Holy Cross 3 weeks ago and 2) upload it to my blog...and I guess 3) get very excited about it. But did you see the video? It WAS huge.

So what has gone on since we lost spoke ... telepathically, obviously. Here is a recap:

- I've been to Fairfield, Fordham, St. Joseph's, Villanova and Seton Hall.

- A got a really bad cold, I mean really bad, that I actually lost my voice! Literally lost it. First time that ever happened. That's not so good for recruiters.

- I head down to Baltimore Sunday, then down to Duke next week. After a week in NC, I will head up to Virginia, then Georgetown, then Baltimore, then ...... then that's it! Done with recruiting!!

- I don't have my GPS with me right now, but I need to start adding up the miles I've driven since I last calculated (that's the interesting part of my blog, right?).

- I took a career/personality test with the Career Services at HC. Got the results today. I guess I'm supposed to be a college instructor. Your thoughts? (Lion tamer came in a close second).

- The scan button has been fixed!!! And by that, I mean that it has been discovered. I think I let you into the sad realization that my new rental car did not have one. Well, it did! I just forget to let you into the sad realization that I'm an idiot.

- I'm on like 5 times a day. It's great to catch up with politics, ie. the drama of the current democratic race (hopefully will be over on Tuesday). I don't know about you, but I'm psyched for an Obama v. McCain debate. I beleive I have said that before.

- I'm getting better with the cold. Much better. Sleeping in 65 degree rooms does not bother me as much as it did before...OK, that wasn't very interesting. Um, let's see...I killed a bear with my own hands yesterday!

Ok, silly season has begun. I'm off to my college instructor job. Peace.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Holy Cross Presidential Suite

First of all readers, I'm not even sure I should be sharing this information with you.

With that said, let me tell you about the Presidential Suite at Holy Cross, in Loyola. This suite, which makes many hotel rooms look bad, is where I stayed for the past four days while recruiting at my alma mater. The trip = very good. Where I stayed = the best place ever and easily one of the coolest perks of this job.

This room is mostly for trustees when they visit, other big name guests, and lowly JVC Recruiters.

It has 3 bathrooms, kitchen with complete appliances, two bed rooms, huge living space, washer and dryer, chandeliers.

Enough typing (and reading on your part). I might as well just give you the video tour.

Up next for me? Back to Greenwich for Fairfield. Some days in the city at Fordham. Then the Philly area, then hopefully down to Virginia and North Carolina for a quick visit. Then we'll see.

When my blogs are less about my travels and more about the excitement of the rooms I'm staying in, you know I am easily amused.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Hi everyone. Sorry I have not posted in a while. Here is a quick recap of the past month:

Hung out with the JVs in New Orleans. Slept in a cabin in 50 degree weather; almost died.

Spent time with New Orleans and Mobile JVs, the same ones I met back in September. They were my first friends I met on the road.

Saw a Mardi Gras parade...a week before Mardi Gras. Many beads were thrown to me.

Went to the Univeristy of Florida in Gainesville. 70 degrees during the day, 39 at night!

Welcome to Miami....and the wonderful 82 degrees! Also got to see my cousins.

I was in Baltimore for a total of like 12 hours in the entire month of February, and that's the way it's going to be for the rest of the month. Good thing I'm paying rent for an aprtment I am never in.

I am now in Providence College. Then Boston College. Then Holy Cross. It's nice coming back to these big schools. It's very familiar territory.

That's it for travels. I think I'm backing Obama in this election. It took me a while to decide. I hope it's McCain v. Obama. Here is a nice video for you all to see:

Oh, bad news: I got my car from Phily, which I will keep with me for the next two months. Well, guess what, it's not the same car. Biggest difference: no scan button!!! I'm ruined!