Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Hello everyone.

Blog posting has been down.


Because I'm not traveling any more. I'm in the office in Baltimore, doing office work. It is a nice break from the craziness of driving miles and miles and miles and miles.

But two new updates for you:

1) I'm driving up to Boston this Friday (hopefully stopping at Greenwich to pick up some Garden Catering High School Special with extra honey mustard) for an idealist.org international volunteer fair. Coolest part: I'm driving stick shift all the way up there. Should be interesting. Hopefully I will be part of some high-speed chase scene, because it looks cooler if you are driving stick during a high-speed chase scene. Let's be honest.

2) April 22nd is an important date. NO! Not because of the PA Primary (Obama is going to win the nomination). Because a different type of traveling will start on that date!

What do I speak of? I will leave you in suspense for now.

Meanwhile, watch that Micronesian video I made so you, like me, can wish you were there right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even though I only had it once... now I'm really craving some Garden Catering. It was that good.